Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude Daily

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Adopting an “attitude of gratitude” can change your life – for real.

There’s still a lot we don’t know about the human brain. What do know, is that a daily gratitude practice is a powerful tool you can use to create positive psychological, physical, and social change in your life.

 Why Practice Gratitude?

Whether it’s the roof over your head, food in the fridge, or clothes on your back there are always things you can easily take for granted. Practicing gratitude teaches you to recognize and appreciate what you have, rather than what you don’t.

As we continue to adapt to a new normal, practicing gratitude is more important than ever. Here’s why:

  • It shifts your focus from a state of lack and negativity to abundance and positivity. This improves your mood and helps to reduce stress.
  • When you share gratitude with the people in your life you’ll feel more connected and loved. This helps to cultivate and re-enforce an optimistic outlook on life and strong social bonds.
  • Practicing gratitude can improve your physical heath by promoting higher energy levels, better sleep, and a strong immune system. It’ll keep you motivated to stay on track with your movement routine and healthy eating habits.

How to Implement a Daily Gratitude Practice

Most gratitude practices seem pretty straightforward at first. But when performed regularly, this little ritual can have a profound impact on your life and the lives of those around you. 

There are a ton of ways you can incorporate a gratitude practice into your daily routine. They key is to figure out what works well for you, and to stick with it. Getting your whole family involved is also a great way to hold yourself accountable, especially in the beginning.

Here are some recommendations to help you get started:

  1. Begin each day by writing down something that went well the previous day and why. You can do this while you sip your morning coffee or while you’re eating breakfast.
  2. When you feel frustrated or upset, take some time to pause and reset your thinking by coming up with a positive about the situation. In other words, consider how a particular event or challenge is happening for you rather than to It takes practice but we promise this one is a game-changer.
  3. Once a week write a note to someone you’re grateful for. It doesn’t have to be a novel – a few kind words will do.
  4. Try keeping a gratitude journal. At the beginning of the day, record three things you’re grateful for and an affirmation. At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect and record three positive things that happened, and two things that could have made your day better.
  5. Get the whole family involved by going around the dinner table and expressing one thing you’re thankful for.

Remember, there is no wrong way to practice gratitude. Find a system that resonates with you, and make it your own.

 It’s the Little Things

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it happens faster than you may think. The little things add up, so don’t get discouraged. Keep up with your gratitude practice even if it’s just one thought or sentence per day.

It will change your life, we promise.

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